Home / News / Special Announcements / Swimming Carnival 2024


The 2023 WSSC Swimming Carnival is being held on Tuesday 20 February at WAVES. We hope to see you all there.


House Scores

The scores will be updated throughout the day, during the carnival on Tuesday 20 February.

Age Champions

16Yr Female Champion 16Yr Male Champion
Caitlin Freeman Minh Quach
17Yr Female Champion 17Yr Male Champion
Taria Namosuaia-O’Connor Thomas Paydon
18-20Yr Female Champion 18-20Yr Male Champion
Macy Cameron Judd Gavrilovic


Upcoming Events

Term 4 - Week 1 - Monday 7th October
School Saving Bonus
Monday 2nd September to Friday 18th October
Holiday Exams
Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October
SSV Hume Region Track & Field
Friday 4th October Location: Albury
Year 11/12 Assembly
Monday 7th October to Sunday 13th October Location: Galvin Hall
SSV Upper Hume Year 10 Boys Cricket
Wednesday 9th October Location: Wangaratta
SSV Hume Region Athletics
Thursday 10th October Location: Albury
Term 4 - Week 2 - Monday 14th October
Parent Teacher Interview 4
Thursday 17th October Location: WSSC
Term 4 - Week 3 - Monday 21st October
SSV State Track & Field
Monday 21st October Location: South Melbourne
Wednesday 23rd October Location: Galvin Hall
Year 12 Farewell Assembly
Wednesday 23rd October
Year 10 Immunisation Day
Thursday 24th October Location: Seminar Room
SSV Hume Region Year 10 Boys Table Tennis
Friday 25th October Location: Wangaratta
Term 4 - Week 5 - Monday 4th November
Staff PD Day 4
Monday 4th November Location: WSSC
Melbourne Cup
Tuesday 5th November
Year 10 & 11 Exams
Tuesday 5th November to Friday 15th November Location: WSSC
Term 4 - Week 6 - Monday 11th November
Remembrance Day
Monday 11th November Location: WSSC